31 março 2020

Tágide: Cadavre Exquis II

Going on a year of Tágide gatherings – a project that coordinates informal gatherings and drawing sessions for local artists, along with publication of a comics anthology, Outras Bandas – the group also has collaborated on a cadavre exquis challenge, generically titled Ossadas do Ofício/Bones of the Trade.
Lately, the impetus has diminished as we've begun to also play around with self-conclusive 'cadavre pages and such, but the goal to jumpstart the criativity and do sequential art together is still alive; here are some further chapters of Ossadas...
(english translation below)

Prestes a fazer um ano de encontros Tágide – um projecto que coordena encontros informais e sessões de desenho para artistas locais, junto com a edição da antologia Outras Bandas – o colectivo também tem colaborado a criar BDs em sistema cadavre exquis, genericamente intituladas Ossadas do Ofício. Mais recentemente, o ímpeto diminuiu à medida que começámos a brincar com pranchas auto-conclusivas e demais parcerias, mas o objectivo de despoletar a criatividade e de fazer arte sequencial juntos continua vivo; aqui ficam alguns novos capítulos do Ossadas...

Page 6: 1) Dogzooord!!! 2) Wake up, animal! 3) Nice puppy, but I don't think it'll help much. 4) I'm getting tired of this guy. Let's end this! 5) Easy, girls. I still have an ace up my sleve! 6) Since Dogzord has found you, come quietly and the Time-Judge will be understanding. 7) NEVER!!
Page 7: 1) Were we supposed to get trapped inside? No.. It was my first time using this weapon... I can't believe your still sleeping!!! 2) What a drag! I always get summoned when I'm in my bath... I have no patience for these troubles today. 3) –can't a Time-Judge take a shower, or enjoy a piece of chocolate cake? 4) Don't forget your glass of milk mr.Judge. Thank you, Time Guardian.
Page 8: 1) Do try to keep your house in order, mr. Judge! --or you'll lose more than your slice. 2) Please, Ambrosio. There's an emergency. 3) We'll take care of those two, let's go? Rufff, mr.Judge
Page 9: 1) So, what have we here, a molar? 2) Ooops. 3) But sir, these aren't the ones. Plus, she's alone. 4) What about my tooth?! 5) Ready? 6) Yes, let's go. 7) Charge!
Page 10: 1) Ugh! 2) Come on, don't stop pushing! The artefact is unstable. We have to get it away from the force field before something happens!... 3) Fheww! The “ball” will dissipate, without a battery from the artefact... 4) Ahhh, Now we're indeed confortable. I hope she doesn´t delay. I need to go to the ladies room. 5) Seriously? 6) Get out... 7) --Off the way!

20 março 2020

Fantasia Estúdios 25: Visions / Visões

For the 2nd round of spotlights in Fantasia Estúdio: 25 Years initiative the group decided to swap characters, with each artist interpreting another's hero through their own Vision. From left to right, Eliseu Gouveia drew The Gang, I drew Vicente (from Arcano Avatar), Pedro Potier drew the vampire Tessa (from Porphyria's Song), Ana Freitas drew the Ace of Clubs, and Fernando Lucas drew (an amazing!) Raul Rajada.

To be frank, these characters have been away from public eyes for a quarter of a century and therefore hold little water in the community nowadays – but it's still incredible to see them out and about again!

Para a 2ª ronda de destaques na iniciativa Fantasia Estúdio: 25 Anos o grupo decidiu trocar de personagens, com cada artista a interpretar o herói doutro através numa Visão sua. Da esquerda para direita, o Eliseu Gouveia desenhou A Malta, eu desenhei Vicente (de Arcano Avatar), o Pedro Potier desenhou a vampira Tessa (d'O Canto de Porphyria), a Ana Freitas desenhou o Naipe de Espadas, e o Fernando Lucas desenhou (um incrível!) Raul Rajada.
Para ser franco, estas personagens têm estado longe dos olhos do público há um quarto de século e por isso têm pouco peso na actual comunidade – mas mesmo assim é incrível vê-los saídos do baú outra vez!

17 março 2020

Fantasia Estúdios: 25 - Vicente

After the initial round of spotlights regarding the Fantasia Estúdio's 25th anniversary, the artists swapped original characters and illustrated each others creations. I got the opportunity to draw Eliseu Gouveia's Vicente, a main character in the Arcano Avatar comic, who's a paranormal grifter that hides his underworld affairs with his job as a photographer. This guy had a big effect on me when I was a teen, by showing me the potential of creator owned heroes, thus I was glad to get to depict him.

Após a ronda inicial de destaques alusivos ao Fantasia Estúdio: 25º aniversário, os artistas trocaram de personagens originais e ilustraram as criações uns dos outros. Eu tive a oportunidade de desenhar o Vicente do Eliseu Gouveia, um protagonista na banda desenhada Arcano Avatar, que é um intrujão paranormal que esconde os seus assuntos ocultos com o trabalho de fotógrafo. Este tipo teve um grande efeito em mim em adolescente, ao mostrar-me o potencial dos heróis originais, razão porque tive gosto em o retratar.

06 março 2020

PBD – Final image / Imagem final

As promised, my colleague Susana Resende has finished our original illustrations for the Bandas Desenhadas Awards, coloring the last three characters, which are meant to represent Spring, Summer and Autumn. And now, to accompany a final round of nominations, they have been gathered in a composited illustration. May the best authors and publications win!

Como prometido, a colega Susana Resende terminou as ilustrações originais para o Prémio Bandas Desenhadas, colorindo os nossos últimas três personagens, que visam representar a Primavera, Verão e Outono. E agora, para acompanhar a última ronda de nomeações, as imagens foram reunidas numa ilustração composita. Que ganhem os melhores autores e edições!