Comissão para a minha amiga Andreia Lopes, com a personagem Death, de Neil Gaiman e Mike Dringenberg.
20 novembro 2009
03 novembro 2009
Sketch III / Esboço III - Angel tattoo design
Um amigo encomendou uma ilustração para tatuagem, que lhe vai ocupar as costas(!). Depois de uns esboços, deu avalo ao design deste anjo em pedra. ‘Um pouco tramado de fazer, no definir a imagem para ser melhor interpretada pelo tatuador, porque nem todos os efeitos desenhados são adaptáveis ou recomendáveis de reproduzir com tinta na epiderme. Felizmente, as minhas influências Nowleanas e Mignolianas ajudaram.
A friend hired me for a tattoo illustration, which will take up his whole back(!). After he a few sketches, he pinned this stone angel design as the way to go. ‘A bit tricky to do, in defining the image in a way that the tattoo artist could best interpret it, also taking in consideration that not every effect is easily adaptable or recommended to reproduce with ink on skin. Thankfully, my Nowlean and Mignolean influences helped.
23 outubro 2009
20º Amadora
Começa hoje o 20º Festival Internacional de BD da Amadora, o mais popular evento nacional subordinado à Arte Sequencial, com residência no Fórum Luís de Camões, na Brandoa (a escassos quilómetros do C.C. do Colombo, para quem quiser visitar…).
A minha participação no festival este ano cinge-se a integrar o júri dos Prémios Nacionais de Banda Desenhada (PNBD), cuja deliberação teve lugar no início do mês. Apesar da apreciável qualidade dos trabalhos submetidos e respectiva dificuldade em estabelecer parâmetros de avaliação que fossem justos face à disparidade de propostas, os vencedores são das obras que melhor congregaram a arte da escrita e grafismo num todo de relevo. Porém, vão certamente ver por lá outras BDs de grande valor, por vezes mais estético ou textual, e por vezes ambos.
E vou ainda lançar, no último fim-de-semana, o novo comic do projecto All-Girlz, com trabalhos das mangakas Joana Lafuente e Selma Pimentel. Intitulado All-Girlz Banzai! e editado pelo meu selo, Arga Warga (i.e. pronuncia-se “Árga Úarga”), este prozine poderá estar disponível a partir do 2º fim-de-semana, no stand da livraria Central Comics.
(imagens por Rui Lacas e Joana Lafuente)
Today starts the 20th Amadora’s International Comics Festival, Portugal’s most popular comics event, with residence in Fórum Luís de Camões, in Brandoa, in the outskirts of Amadora city.
My participation in this years’ convention was joining the jury of the PNBDs (National Comics Awards), which deliberated contest results earlier this month. Aside from the overwhelming quality of the submited works and respective difficulty in placing avaliation parameters that would be fair towards the disparity of proposals, the winners were some of the comics that best gongregated the art of writting and drawing in one seemless whole. Nevertheless, there were several others there of great value.
And in the festival’s last weekend I will also present the new comics of the All-Girlz project, with works from mangakas Joana Lafuente and Selma Pimentel, titled All-Girlz Banzai! and published by my small-press seal, Arga Warga (ie. pronaunced “Árga Úarga”).
A minha participação no festival este ano cinge-se a integrar o júri dos Prémios Nacionais de Banda Desenhada (PNBD), cuja deliberação teve lugar no início do mês. Apesar da apreciável qualidade dos trabalhos submetidos e respectiva dificuldade em estabelecer parâmetros de avaliação que fossem justos face à disparidade de propostas, os vencedores são das obras que melhor congregaram a arte da escrita e grafismo num todo de relevo. Porém, vão certamente ver por lá outras BDs de grande valor, por vezes mais estético ou textual, e por vezes ambos.

(imagens por Rui Lacas e Joana Lafuente)
Today starts the 20th Amadora’s International Comics Festival, Portugal’s most popular comics event, with residence in Fórum Luís de Camões, in Brandoa, in the outskirts of Amadora city.
My participation in this years’ convention was joining the jury of the PNBDs (National Comics Awards), which deliberated contest results earlier this month. Aside from the overwhelming quality of the submited works and respective difficulty in placing avaliation parameters that would be fair towards the disparity of proposals, the winners were some of the comics that best gongregated the art of writting and drawing in one seemless whole. Nevertheless, there were several others there of great value.
And in the festival’s last weekend I will also present the new comics of the All-Girlz project, with works from mangakas Joana Lafuente and Selma Pimentel, titled All-Girlz Banzai! and published by my small-press seal, Arga Warga (ie. pronaunced “Árga Úarga”).
21 outubro 2009
All-Girlz Galore [Arga Warga; 2009]
Apresentado em Maio no V Festival Internacional BD de Beja (FIBDB), este lançamento marca o regresso do projecto All-Girlz às lides editoriais, uma iniciativa começada em 2006 que visa destacar os trabalhos das autoras portuguesas de BD, dando também a conhecer algumas estreantes no sector.
Intitulado All-Girlz Galore, este 2º comic reúne novamente uma dezena de artistas, desta feita elegendo as tendências estéticas e temáticas indie como corrente comum às obras, indo de propostas mais plásticas a técnicas/tecnológicas e passando por uma panóplia de estilos gráficos: do ousado lápis e grafite às colagens, até à sofisticada arte digital, com estilização em line-art a preto-e-branco ou em tonings a cinza.
Tematicamente, o leque estende-se por contos intimistas e humorísticos, mas sempre com teor pessoal e sexualidade à mistura, que duma forma mais declarada ou subtil não deixa de reflectir o cunho autoral destas narrativas.
Participam neste número as autoras Ana Biscaia, Andreia Rechena, Cláudia Dias, Joana Sobrinho, Marta Monteiro, Raquel Alves Coelho, Sara Franco e Sónia Oliveira, mais as estreantes (em matéria de edição em BD) Kati Zambito e Inês Casais, esta última também autora da capa da edição.
Para mais informação sobre a publicação e autoras, visitem o blog da iniciativa em
16 outubro 2009
“Hunter” sequential art experiment
Devido à extensão do texto, o post fica apenas em inglês…
This is a very dear short-story to me. I was 16 when I decided to redo a simple story I had from when I was younger, about a space explorer that lands on a primitive planet and, unsuspectingly, goes from predator to prey. The plot was basic enough but called on me to draw various things, from spaceships to dinossaurs, plus had some quiet sequences, which was all good workout.
This is a very dear short-story to me. I was 16 when I decided to redo a simple story I had from when I was younger, about a space explorer that lands on a primitive planet and, unsuspectingly, goes from predator to prey. The plot was basic enough but called on me to draw various things, from spaceships to dinossaurs, plus had some quiet sequences, which was all good workout.
But right from the start there were problems. I was begining to mature as an artist, so the concept and drawing stages took their toll. Growing incresingly frustrated with less then likable results, I simply started from scratch, over and over again… In the span of a few months, while in high-school, I struggled with it and began the comic 4 to 5 times, sometimes pencilling the full four pages and once or twice even going into inks. But by then the endeavour had become a “doomed” one; I could neither finish it nor was I contempt when working on something else.
That’s when I came up with a different approach: to clear my head for other things but still keep at it, so I could by-pass this block I vowed to produce solely 1 page per year until it was finished. This enabled me to view the story from a different perspective, not as bound by sequential continuity from page to page (meta-sequential art, you could call it), and in the process I'd be able to check whichever artistic progress I’d suffer within that time. The plot itself was kept much the same throughout, but I let myself be carried by the pages themselves.
So, I started out in 1998, while in college, and managed to keep myself in check, doing 1 page each year. It was releaving to face each artboard as one isolated part of the plot (ie. the landing, tracking, the first shot…), and just let the action flow. It was much the same, I think, as when a writer is lead by the story itself in the writting or how an abstract artist gets driven by his work. It's amazing to be able to exert your art that way, to trust your instints and see where they lead!
To my surprise, the story wrapped itself in page 7. In the following year, 2005, by then grown accostumed to that “ritual”, I went back and drew another one, which became the new 1st page (splash-page, really).
Also interesting is that the time in each year when I drew the page varied. I kept studying and making comics, and also working freelance in advertising, but almost never consciously decided to draw that year’s page in this or that week; it was decided for me by building up of anxiety or creativity regarding that respective page. I just began when it felt right, like an alarm going off.
That’s why I perceive this as an experiment in sequential art, of sorts. The script was only improvised later on - I would've prefered to keep it "silence" -, when the chance came to publish the comic, but I kept the same voice as it had at the start and little was changed afterwards. The narrator just conveyd how rotten and vicious the Hunter was, how much he was feared throughout the galaxy, to then, in a twist, suddenly make it all insignificant when he is turned prey to another predator.
The first two pages were published in music newspaper Inside, in 1999. The finished comic was published in 2005, in Sketchbook #1, a comic distributed in stores by Devir Editions. There, the artwork was digitally coloured by Rui “Kid” Moura.
Due to this, I won as Best Portuguese Artist in 2006’s IV Central Comics Awards, with a majority of votes from the readers. Although thankful, I felt the award was ill justified, given it came from a short story (which wasn’t uncommun in the Central Comics Awards, though, where the nomminies were selected and elected by the actual public and readers).
Given that, I later decided to recover this for a black/white work self-published comic, adding to the story with a new prologue chapter, which quickly evolved to a graphic novel (in the works...) ;)

14 outubro 2009
Sketch II / Esboço II
Alguns esboços soltos, de aquecimento, feitos ontem de manhã no estúdio…
A few random warm-up sketches, done in the studio yesterday morning
A few random warm-up sketches, done in the studio yesterday morning
26 setembro 2009
Storyboard de "Tu aroma, tu sabor"
Estes storyboards foram feitos em 2008, a pedido de um colega, para o remake do videoclip "Tu aroma, tu sabor", do músico setubalense, Marco Alonso, a filmar na zona histórica de Palmela. Tanto quanto sei, a produção foi adiada.
Embora o storyboarding tenha sido despachado em tempo recorde, tratei também da concepção integral da sequência, que iria usar a figura de um trovador e integrar imagéticas inspiradas em filmes de Jean Cocteau, mescladas com arte urbana. Fora estes efeitos especiais, que trariam um splash de cores, o video em si seria a preto/branco.
Embora o storyboarding tenha sido despachado em tempo recorde, tratei também da concepção integral da sequência, que iria usar a figura de um trovador e integrar imagéticas inspiradas em filmes de Jean Cocteau, mescladas com arte urbana. Fora estes efeitos especiais, que trariam um splash de cores, o video em si seria a preto/branco.
19 setembro 2009
Sketch I / Esboço I - Vulcan Java
Ainda sobre o ‘Beja, acordando logo de matina no 2º dia, aproveitei para ir desenhar pela parte histórica da cidade. Deixei este rabisco no refeitório da hospedaria para sinalizar aos meus amigos e autoras que já estava levantado…
Still on the subject of FIBDB, having awoken early in the 2nd day of the festival, I took the oporunity to go around the historical part of the city and draw. Left this sketch in the hotel’s cantina so my colleagues and the All-Girlz’s authors would know I was already up…
18 setembro 2009
V Festival Internacional BD de Beja
No passado Junho integrei o programa do 5º FIBDB. É sempre um prazer colaborar com a Bedeteca de Beja. Há quase dez anos que acompanho o seu percurso e autores (ainda antes do Atelier Toupeira passar a Bedeteca), e desde cedo participo nos seus zines. Por isso, é uma satisfação acrescida testemunhar a afirmação do ‘Beja, ano após ano.
Last June I had the chance to partake in the 5th Beja’s Internacional Comics Festival. It’s always a pleasure, given I’ve followed their growth as a cultural group for almost 10 years (even before the Toupeira Studio became a Comics Library) and collaborate in publications of theirs since early on. Hence, it’s a huge satisfation to see the festival further establishing itself each year.
...Abaixo, fotos da recepção no Museu dos Cláustros e homenagem a Geraldes Lino, mais foto da conversa com Craig Thompson (a única que tive tempo de ver) e um breve autógrafo.
...Below, photos of the reception on the Claustros Museum and homage to Geraldes Lino, plus photo from the panel with Craig Thompson (the only one I got to sit at) and a brief sketch.
...Below, photos of the reception on the Claustros Museum and homage to Geraldes Lino, plus photo from the panel with Craig Thompson (the only one I got to sit at) and a brief sketch.
Desta feita, contribuí com as colectivas “All-Girlz” e “All-Girlz Banzai”, que respectivamente reúnem pranchas dos comics All-Girlzine e All-Girlz Galore, e do vindouro ‘zine homónimo dedicado a mangakas. Acompanhando as expos, lancei ainda o 2º comic da iniciativa (dedicada a destacar o trabalho de autoras de BD), intitulado All-Girlz Galore, via a chancela Arga Warga.
This year I’ve contributed with the collective exhibits, “All-Girlz” and “All-Girlz Banzai”, which respectively show works from the comics All-Girlzine and All-Girlz Galore, and a forthcoming homonimous zine exclusive to mangakas. Following that, I also published the 2nd comic of the initiative (which showcases female comic artists), titled All-Girlz Galore, by Arga Warga Publ.
This year I’ve contributed with the collective exhibits, “All-Girlz” and “All-Girlz Banzai”, which respectively show works from the comics All-Girlzine and All-Girlz Galore, and a forthcoming homonimous zine exclusive to mangakas. Following that, I also published the 2nd comic of the initiative (which showcases female comic artists), titled All-Girlz Galore, by Arga Warga Publ.
Por último, a encerrar o evento, acompanhei Hugo Jesus, admin. do portal (onde colaboro há já 7 anos…) na atribuição dos VII Troféus Central Comics, prémios de banda desenhada portugueses nos quais os leitores e o público são quem determina os vencedores.
Este ano, os destaques vão para a editora BDmania, com os prémios Melhor Álbum Estrangeiro (Fábula de Bagdad), Argumento (Brian K. Vaughn) e Desenho Est. (Niko Henrichon), e Edições Asa, pela distinção em Melhor Editora, partilhada com o jornal O Público, e em Melhor Projecto em BD, pela aposta num catálogo Mangá.
Lastly, in the final weekend, I accompanied Hugo Jesus, the admin. of portal (where I collaborate for 7 years now…), in announcing the VII Central Comics Awards, that commend the portuguese comic market and in which the readers and general public are who determine the winners.
This year, the stand-outs were publisher BDmania, with awards for Best Foreign Volume (Pride of Bagdad), plus Best Foreing Writer (Brian K. Vaughn) and Artist (Niko Henrichon), and Asa Editions, as Best Publisher, alongside O Público newspaper, and for Best Project in Comics, for starting a mangá oriented catalogue.
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